I don't know about you but Christmas is seriously stressful for me when it comes to eating healthy. It can be challenging if you have eating issues. Why? Well, for me, I gave up sugar 7 months ago. I gotta try not to eat the food I am surrounded by. I'm strong but I don't know if I'm strong enough yet for this. Guess, I gotta put on my big girl underwear and step up my game.
This got me thinking. I know this time of year brings on a lot of unsettling feelings. The following are some tips to avoid eating compulsively during the Holiday Season:
1. Remember that deprivation leads to binging. Don't put anything on your DO NOT eat list. Tell yourself that you can have whatever you want but that you choose to only put foods into your body that make you feel good.
2. Acknowledge the foods you enjoy. Enjoying them is not a sin. You don't have to earn your food. Food is a necessity in life and you should enjoy every single time you open your mouth.
3. Tell yourself : “This holiday season, I will not diet” This will take the pressure off of you. This does not mean you can go hog wild and eat an entire pie night after night.
4. Do NOT deprive yourself, ahead of time. Just because you know that you have a holiday party on Friday you should NOT starve yourself until then. Doing this will backfire and make you gorge.
5. Inquiring minds want to know. Ask for the recipe, if you love something you tried. If you get the recipe and it's made of things you know you shouldn't put into your body all of the time, find ways to modify the recipe.
Whatever you do, do not criticize yourself no matter the weight or shape of your body.
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