Monday, August 10, 2015

Time Is On The Sassy Side

Humor me now. Imagine a world if there was just a few more hours in the day? Just think about how much you could accomplish? The question I ask you now is, would you really get more done? I hear "I'm so busy, I have no free time to workout." Really? I think the honest answer is "I don’t want to make the time" or people just need better time management skills. We are all busy.  Whether you are as busy as you think and say you are. I’m pretty sure that you can squeeze a half hour to an hour of physical activity in every day if you wanted to. If you aren't convinced, how about writing down your typical day on a piece of paper? Be honest now, do you see a couple things that you can do without or do you see where you are wasting some time...checking Facebook, looking a kitty videos on YouTube, etc. I know what you can replace that with, you guessed it, a workout. Do you still think you have no time? Well, you’re just going to have to get up a bit earlier and get it done then. Sound harsh? Not the answer you were hoping for? Sorry! It's the truth! Once you make this a habit, you WILL be thanking me for how good you feel. It takes 30 days to make a habit. You brush your teeth every day right? Make working out just as important to your daily routine.

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