Sunday, June 21, 2015


One of the harder aspects of working out is maintaining a high level of energy. We can probably all agree that the best results come when we finish as strong as we started. Pushing our bodies to the limit, in those times when it seems the hardest, can be the difference between true progress and simply maintaining the “status quo”. Sometimes giving our bodies that little “edge” can make all the difference. There is a product called “Enduropacks” that is designed to do just that.
An “Enduropack” is a daily supplement designed to replace essential nutrients your body loses during a workout or training session. These supplements help your hydration levels, muscle recovery and also help provide a stronger immune system. Included in each Enduropack is a liquid multi-vitamin, a bottle of concentrated electrolyte spray, an essential amino-acid patch and an L-Glutamine Recovery complex. Enduropacks are all-natural (made with organic and vegetarian ingredients) and are also gluten-free.
Using Enduropacks is not a “once in a while” thing. You should take it consistently to see the best results. They are sold in quantities that allow you to take a 30-day supply for optimal effectiveness. What I found when using this product was that I had much more energy during and after my workouts. I felt as strong at the end of my workout as I did in the beginning. And that feeling of “I just have to get through this!” turned in to “I can really do this! I am Strong!”  It was a true feeling of accomplishment.
It’s not every time that I get muscle soreness after a workout, but on occasion, when I push myself with something new, I will. I noticed that, while using Enduropacks, I had very little (and sometimes none) of the “achy” feeling I would normally get on those post workout days – even after having increased the intensity level of the workout. I also noticed much more energy throughout the day on a general basis. No more “tired” or “sluggish” behavior. My body simply felt stronger.
A side effect that I wasn’t expecting was how much more alert I felt, as well. It makes sense, I guess, when you realize that our bodies lose essential vitamins and minerals during exercise. It takes a while for the body to naturally replace these nutrients. When our bodies are drained physically, we feel the effects emotionally as well. With the Enduropack, your body recovers more quickly. The body doesn’t have to work as hard to get back to its peak physical level. I noticed that I felt more “sharp” and “on point” after an intense workout. Where prior to Enduropack, I needed to rest and recover before I felt “myself” again.
I also like that there is no guesswork involved in the dosage of this product. It is very simple and easy to use.
Everything was really going great . . . that is, until I got injured. Someone accidentally bumped into me during a workout, causing me to fall on my right wrist and knee. The injury has sidelined me for now but once I'm healed, I can't wait to start training again with EnduroPacks.

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