"I don't want to waste my time stretching when I could be doing a weightlifting workout." I hear this all of the time. It's an important element of fitness. When was the last time you stretched? Just doing a quickie shoulder roll or fast quad stretch before your workout doesn’t count. There are some amazing benefits to stretching like increased flexibility. But there’s more to stretching than being able to touch your toes.
If you stretch for 20 minutes before bed it will help you wind down after a busy day. Stretching can also help you fall asleep!
Try doing a Cat Stretch
I use to struggle with a weird digestion track for years. The only thing that helped was stretching out my stomach. The COBRA stretch helps you release any accumulated pressure. It also increases the blood flow to your digestive tract, making it more efficient. This is a non invasive way to help yourself!
No surgery for you! There is no need to go under the knife. Stretching can give the appearance of looking younger. Why? When stretching, a lubricant called synovial fluid is released from the joint cavity. This fluid cushions and reduces friction between your joints, which can help prevent the joint pain often associated with aging. Just do a Gluteal Crossover Stretch daily. Hold for 3 minutes on each side.
All you have to do is stretch daily to help maintain muscle flexibility. This is especially true if you are trying to rehab an injury. Stretching is also used to prevent any shortening and tightening of muscles due to scar tissue.