Sunday, December 28, 2014


Why are we as a culture obsessed with creating the appearance of happiness so as to give others the impression that we are living good and full lives, regardless of whether we are actually living the way we really want to? I find it to be annoying. The media has taught us that you don't get what you don't focus on, and happiness is obviously worth focusing on.  As are other things, like your life mission, not dying early, falling in love, your family, staying healthy, doing something big, finding meaning, enjoying life, spending time with friends, loving your job, etc.
My advice: Stop looking at what other people are doing and judging them if they're not affecting you or your loved ones directly. I’m sure you can create a list of nasty busy-bodies in your life who are judgemental. Hint to those that feel the need to stick their nose in someone else’s business: You won’t be taken to the town square and hung for minding your own business. Mainly because there aren’t hangings anymore and no town has a square where the people gather together to watch a murder. I digress.
Many people chase happiness and the appearance of it, and die regretting that they weren't true to themselves.
When it comes down to it, People are social animals. So people succumb to what they think they want, influenced by incessant ads for new cars, keeping up with the Jones' mentality (or wanting to one-up them), etc. Here’s the lesson: If you don't benefit from it, don't do it. Instead, figure out what you really want and go get it.

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