Clean up your kitchen is a great way to lose some unwanted lbs. Think about it. It's so much easier to eat right if everything you need to make a healthy snack or meal is already in your pantry. I've made a list of what you should hang on to and what is considered garbage and you should throw away immediately. If throwing away food seems wasteful to you make a donation to your local food bank. Boom you done. You've done 2 good things in just a few hours! That is sassy!
Start with your Refrigerator
1st things first...get rid of soda.
Donate: Soda and other beverages with sugar or worse still, high fructose corn syrup. Drinking your calories is one of the easiest ways to gain weight.
Replace With: Water.
If you are serious about losing weight you will do yourself a favor and drink H2O.
Donate: Fruit-flavored yogurt.
Yes it seems healthy but most yogurt is full of added SUGAR. Check the ingredients – HFCS get rid of the stuff.
Replace with: Plain low fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, or low fat cottage cheese. You can always add fresh fruit to plain yogurt yourself, which is a much healthier option.
The Freezer
Do you really need a pint of fat filled icecream? Chances are you CAN survive without the stuff. I promise you can. Replace the icecream with frozen grapes. Trust me they are delish and fun!
The Pantry
Ok give yourself a quick pep talk before the attack. Tell yourself that this is the right thing to do before you open the pantry door.
Donate: Most boxed Cereal
Any breakfast cereals that have HCFS or sugar listed in the ingredients, throw it in the donation box. That prob means most of the stuff you already have. Even though it might look healthy!
Replace With: Plain oatmeal; avoid any oatmeal with added sugar and go for the real deal instead.
Donate: Chips and crackers.
You know you shouldn't be eating them. They are jam packed with empty calories and most have Trans Fat as one of the first few ingredients.
Replace With: Almonds.
Just a handful is one serving. Not the entire bag. Seperate into single serving portions. Yes it seems like a pain now but it'll make life easier and convenient later.
Donate: Packaged Sweets.
As you probably already know you shouldn't even have this in your home. It’s OK to indulge now and then just not EVERY day, multiple times a day.
Replace with: Dried Fruit.
If you’re having a craving for something sweet, reach for dried fruit. Choose dried fruit without added sugar.
Quick before you change your mind go to the food pantry and donate the not needed junk.