Foods That Burn Fat
If you are what you eat, then what are you? Are having a hard time losing weight? The answer might be as simple as "you aren't eating the right kinds of foods." Here are my top 8 Fat Burning Foods:
Whether it is sunny side up, fried, hard boiled or scrambled, eggs provide you with choline, a nutrient that burns fat. Eggs are also crammed with lean protein which fills you up without adding a lot of fat in your body. I'm sorry NYC but eggs fill you up more than a bagel.
Boiled Potatoes
No, you shouldn't avoid potatoes if you are watching you weight because boiled potatoes fill you up like few foods can, and they are also among the most effective at burning fat. Boiled potatoes is one of the few white foods that is good for weight loss.
Bananas are rich in fiber and low in fat so it’s good for weight loss. I eat a banana every day. Why? Well, because a medium sized banana contains 15% of the RDI of manganese, 5% RDI copper, 8% RDI of magnesium, 17% RDI of vitamin C, 20% RDI of vitamin B6 and 12% of potassium. Aside burning fat and helping you lose weight, bananas also improve bowel movement and digestion.
Salmon is my favorite way to get protein! More protein equals more muscles and faster burning of fat. Salmon happens to be filled with protein and it also has omega 3 fatty acids that stimulate fat burning, weight loss and prevent fat storage. The healthy fats and protein in salmon also cuts back on hunger pangs. Fat loss aside, salmon also maintains the function of your metabolism.
I couldn't give you a list and not include my favorite breakfast. Oatmeal! Whole grains are among the healthiest foods around, good for weight loss and all around wellness. Daily servings of oats and other whole grain foods stimulate fat loss, so much so that people who eat it regularly have at least 10% less body fat.
Quinoa grains are what you need to remove stubborn belly fat and get a slimmer waist. What makes quinoa so potent is that it is a complete protein source, essential for fat loss and calorie burning. It is ideal for Vegetarians!
It is true that nuts are high in fat, but contrary to popular belief it doesn’t make you as fat as other foods. Nuts actually make for a healthy snack as it has good fats, proteins and fiber. Eating a appropriate portion, not just snacking on a full sized bag. Eating nuts speeds up metabolism and stimulates weight loss.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables fills you up and reducing your hunger cravings. Broccoli is also full of fiber so it improves bowel movement and digestion.
Make sure to include some of these foods into your diet to be a fat burning machine.
In Health,