Saturday, December 2, 2017

Holiday Food Tips To NOT Gain Weight

The holidays are here but that doesn't mean you have to gain weight. Want to hear some awesome news? On average, Americans gain approximately one to two pounds during the holiday season.  It's not 5lbs like everyone talks about. What you can do to combat the unwanted lbs is to be mindful when eating and plan, plan, plan!
So rule #1: do not skip meals throughout the day as this may result in overeating. It is especially important to have breakfast, as research shows that those who eat this important morning meal tend to consume fewer calories throughout the day. Include lots of fiber in your diet by eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Pay attention to the portion size of everything you eat. When you eat large portions of foods that are perceived as healthy you can run into some problems.  It's important to include nutrient-rich foods in your diet, but also remember that these foods have calories as well and should be eaten in moderation. Using this approach at the holiday dinner table will allow you to maintain a healthful eating plan — one that can also include appropriate size dessert!
Try filling your plate with vegetables and salad before going to the entrees and desserts. Eating a salad before your meal can help you eat fewer calories overall. Eat slowly and savor every bite, and before you go back for seconds wait 10 minutes to see if you really are still hungry. I always eat my veggies first so I'm guaranteed to get my vegetable intake in.
Finally, after dinner, get some physical activity. I love taking a walk or just being active.
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