Saturday, July 23, 2016

Couch Potato's Rejoice

Does laying around on the couch eating pizza and beer sound like you?  Are the pounds piling up? Doing nothing is very tempting and it’s so not easy to lose some extra lbs if you love chillin’. Today’s post is all about how you can get fit without stepping inside a gym or giving up the food you love! Sounds amazing right? What’s the catch? No catch. Read on to find out more.

Drink Before You Eat

Most of the time when we eat we think our body is hungry when in fact we are just dehydrated. The fix? Have a large glass of water before every meal. Doing so will not only keep you hydrated (a crucial part of weight loss) but will also prevent you from overeating at meal times .

Do Your Exercising In Your Living Room

Truth be told, a little physical activity equals weight loss. You won’t have to leave the living room. Use an app like this 7 Minute Workout. Linked to your phone or iPad, this digital coaching app gives you workout videos you can follow in the comfort of your own home and it’s only $2.99

Don’t Drink Your Calories

Alcohol has empty calories and they add up fast! If you want to keep your weight loss you might need to modify your drinking habits. No, that doesn’t mean you can’t watch the game and have a beer.  The easiest thing you can do is to switch to light beer. Or alternate between a beer and a water throughout the night. There can be as many as 300 calories in a pint of lager or a large glass of wine, so start to treat your alcohol like food.

Always Eat Dessert

I saved the best for last. As a sweet lover I had to share. It is natural for the body to crave sugar after eating an exquisite meal. Just make sure you are attempting to make healthy choices. For instance, instead of eating ice cream, switch to frozen yogurt. Avoid milk chocolate, but a little dark chocolate might be just enough to take the edge off your cravings. Making healthy choices can help you not do a midnight fridge raid.
Just because you are lazy doesn’t mean you have to be unfit and chubby. Try making a few changes to your diet and activity levels  and you can drastically improve your health.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out.

Jessica Bailey

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