Sunday, July 17, 2016

It doesn't have to be complicated for your diet to work!

Small Changes=awesome results! The good news is you don't have to completely change your life to get healthier. All it takes is very simple life changes to feel happier, healthier and have more energy! Some simple changes can really help you to feel happier, healthier and more energetic!
1) Hydrate More:- Yes, this means drink more water! It seems like this info is everywhere, but for a good reason! Everything you hear about drinking water is true. Staying hydrated is an important part of staying healthy, and it’s even more important to remember in the summer. When you drink water your skin will look better, you will be able to focus better, and you will have better energy!
2) It's OK to indulge....sometimes:-When you watch what you eat that doesn't mean that you have to cut out all snacks. Just be choosy about what you indulge in and how often. Treating yourself occasionally will lead to better results than depriving yourself. If you don't let yourself have foods that make you happy, you are setting yourself up for a huge binge. A lot of people count calories and even if you do, it's OK to treat yourself occasionally. Your diet can handle it!
3) Go For Whole Foods Most Of The Time:- If you can't pronounce it, don't put it inside of your body! Try eating more wholegrain bread instead of white bread,  brown rice instead of white rice, whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta, and other unprocessed foods.
4) Try Not To Drink Your Calories:- Are you trying to lose weight? Watch what you drink. Soda is full of chemicals and calories. You can quickly drink your daily calorie allowance fast! Cut down on the soda, beer and "fruit" juices. For nights out try drinking lower calorie drinks.

Try to make small healthy changes to your lifestyle. Doing so is a good idea!

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