Saturday, November 19, 2016

Holiday Help. Avoid weight gain with these tips.

The holidays are coming up. This does not mean you can “relax” on your fitness and diet between now and the New Year. Just because you have parties, travel or holiday shopping does NOT mean you can “skip it.” You can avoid holiday weight gain, start now! Plan your holiday “attack” and watch what you put in your mouth every single day! During the holiday season we eat on average an extra 619 calories a day, that means an extra 5 lbs of fat.
Do you need some help getting on the right path? I'll help. Here are some things you can do:
  • If you are not already exercising, start immediately! If you already are then slightly increase the intensity. Do both cardio and strength training intensely.
  • Do you walk enough? Be honest. Try to increase your daily steps over the course of the next 30 days. Add an additional 500-1000 steps to your weekly step count. Most smart phones will do this if you have the device on your person. It's the "health" app. It has a heart on it.
  • I know Starbucks is calling your name this time of year. Try to resist. Sugary flavored coffee has empty calories. Drinks like soda, juices, and alcohol do too. Watch out! On average a person consumes an additional 450 calories a day from these beverages.
  • Avoid alcohol, if possible, I get that you want to drink at holiday parties so try to have a glass of water in between cocktails when you do drink.
  • Hydrate yourself EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. Start each morning off with 16 ounces of water.
For most the holiday season means weight gain, it doesn't have to though. You should workout to maintain your current lean muscle and body weight so that you can enjoy a little holiday indulgence.
 photo take away from this post is not to get off on the wrong foot this Thanksgiving. If you have 1"bad" day, there is always the next day to get back on track and re-focus.
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