Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To Binge Or Not To Binge....?

My hubs just ate a quarter pound of bologna, 2 chicken sandwiches and a diet coke for dinner. Gross huh? After I heard this I threw up in my mouth. It’s hard to believe that someone who I love can eat like this. But his recent binge brings up some great questions. How fast will the food be metabolized and fat be stored in the body? Will "burning" fat through aerobic exercise be as quick?
In his defense we tend to eat more because the sight of food stimulates our appetite. How much food you can eat is different for all of us and is dependent on a number of factors, how hungry you are, and how much stimulation (sight, smell, variety of food, etc) your appetite receives.  The stomach of an overeater will stretch to accommodate the food but with proper diet you can “train” your stomach to go back to it’s normal shape.
So, now what happens to all that food? The body will use what it needs immediately and store the rest.  Your body is like a car it needs fuel to go but unlike a car if you put too much in the excess is stored as fat. The fat in the food you just ate will be broken down into fatty acids and the body will also use it as fuel for its immediate needs while any excess will be stored away. Basically, any extra calories will end up in your fat cells in about eight hours.
An occasional binge won’t do you much harm IF you pay attention to what you put in your mouth the next few days. Eating low calorie meals and getting exercise will help greatly. This does NOT mean you can get cocky and binge more often because you think you can reverse the damage before they do you in. Also remember food isn’t your BFF and should not be used as a stress reliever. So be sassy and keep those pig-out episodes to a minimum.

(As a side note my hubby usually is a great eater and does not usually eat like a pig)

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