Saturday, January 20, 2018

Water is your friend!

Drinking fluids is so important to life. Did you know that a great workout fueld by hydration gets you the best results? As our bodies are composed of roughly 70% water, so this means if you don’t keep hydrated you can feel tired, listless, and lethargic. Our bodies are able to go several days without food, but the same is not true for water. It is a daily necessity. Here are a few reasons you shouldn’t neglect water intake during a workout.

Reason #1

Sweating during an intense workout or Hot Yoga can actually add up to several liters, and that means it’s extremely important to drink water throughout the workout to sustain a safe and healthy water level within your body. If you don’t replenish you can feel sick. Not good! It is important to replace electrolytes lost as well during or after a workout. You can do so through sports drinks or supplements.

Reason #2

When you workout you need coordination to do the workout safely. You don’t want an injury because of dehydration. Not maintaining necessary hydration levels can greatly impact your coordination. Dehydration impacts mental clarity, and if you begin to feel woozy or off-balance while working out, it’s time to sit down for a rest and drink some water. This is especially important when you are lifting weights. Feeling woozy in the middle of a set can lead to horrible accidents.

Reason #3

Without the proper hydration, recovery from a workout, any kind of workout, yes, walking counts...big time,  can take much longer and can cause increased soreness that can last days longer than normal. Drinking enough water, with electrolyte supplementation, can cause your recovery time to last much less time and decrease the amount of soreness your muscles experience.
Water is what your body loses when perspiring so water is what your body needs in order to replace what has been spent. Be sure to start off each day with a big glass of water shortly after waking up. I have 16 oz every morning. It has really helped me start your day off right, with a clear mind and well-functioning body.


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