Saturday, February 25, 2017

Increase your metabolic rate with exercise

Most everyone I talk to is looking to increase their metabolic rate. I tell them the most effective way is to exercise. I want to explain why is so good. I'm going to talk about just that in this post, and maybe, just maybe, you will really get up off your booty and move!
Burn Baby Burn
Exercise burns calories! This means the more you move, the more you burn. Make exercise a habit and you can help your metabolism to operate more efficiently.
Muscle Mania
MUSCLE BURNS CALORIES! The more muscle you have the more calories you burn around the clock. When you increase your body’s muscle mass you will increase the amount of calories your body burns. This does not mean you can go hog wild and eat junk food every day. Having an increased muscle mass will burn additional calories but not to a significant degree.
Look good, feel GREAT
IMPROVED OVERALL HEALTH is something that exercise does. Be sure to get both cardio and weight training in during  your weekly workouts. Cardiovascular exercise improves your circulation, strengthens your lungs and gets your heart working. Weight training helps you build strength and power. Both are so awesome for you! Don't skimp on either one!
These are just a few reasons working out isn't just about looking good (although, that  is an awesome side effect). Both your body and your mind can benefit! So really there is no excuse not to move!

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