Saturday, September 3, 2011

Stretching (the truth)

When it comes to working out stretching doesn’t have the glamour that cardio machines and weight lifting does. You don’t associate results from stretching like you do with pounding the miles out on the treadmill. If you put stretching on the back burner you are missing out on some key elements to your fitness capacity like improved athletic performance, greater flexibility and decreasing your risk of injury.
Improving your flexibility helps your joints move through their full range of motion. If you like to drop it like it’s hot your tight hips may not move through their full range and overtime you increase your risk for tendinitis and arthritis. Stretching your hips, lower back and hamstrings can decrease injury.
Everyone wants to age gracefully and be able to move in their Golden Years so do the work now. You have a 401K to prepare for your retirement right so why not do the ground work now so you can actually enjoy retirement? So the next time you are in a group fitness class or at the gym do yourself a favor and don’t just leave right after you put down your weights or finish the routine. Take about 5-10 minutes to show your muscles a little love. If you don’t know what you are doing ask a trainer for a little guidance or if you are in a class listen to the instructor.  9 times out of 10 they know what they are talking about so give it a try.

How to stretch
Do not overstretch or stretch to the point of pain or discomfort. A low-resistance, sustained stretch is the best and DO NOT stretch with bouncing movements. You have to move slowly and if you don’t the muscle you are trying to lengthen will respond with a super strong contraction. Hold each stretch for 30 to 40 seconds. To gain the most benefit from stretching, do a short warm-up first, then stretch.
This is one of my favorite stretches for the booty:

Lie on your back with both legs in the air. Place your right ankle on your thigh above your left knee. See the shape of the number four? It is there, just upside down.
Reach your right hand through the open space created by your right leg and grab your left hand that is reaching around the outside of your left thigh. Slowly bend your left knee. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip.
To increase the stretch, twist just the pelvis a bit to the left and the stretch should intensify.

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